Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pict Picture

Friday, August 12, 2011

Investing in Your Future: How to dress for an interview.

   Everyone has that one friend or maybe it is you who is broke or needs a job, put in a thousand job applications and went on interviews and was still unsuccessful. The question that needs to be asked of the is, Did you dress right for the job? In most cases people do not dress right for the job they are applying for and don't realize it. I was told once by a professor that no matter what job you apply for, whether it is fast food to corporate you must dress up.
  Personally, I have had the experience of getting every job I have applied for because I have dressed for success so to speak. In order to get the job you must first spy a little inform yourself about the company. This "spy", technique works very well in retail jobs especially. Retail, whether it is a small boutique or mass chain tends to hire people who look the part or that would make a good fit. So consider the following points listed below.

+ What is the stores demographic?
+ What are the people who work their dressed like?
+ What are the display windows dressed like?
+ Are they conservative, or liberal, or moderate?
+ Does the associates seem to be wearing what is sold in store?

 This list will help to guide you as to what you might want to wear. Another thing to be aware of is how to groom yourself. Ladies please pay close attention to your make up as well as hair. Make-up over load can be unattractive to who ever is interviewing you, be sure and keep the make up minimal or fresh faced, no harsh lip or eye shades. Hair styling can depend on your texture and the type of job you are applying for, so make sure you observe the location of the job and even advertising to see what image they are trying to portray. To add, men please watch your facial hair, make sure it is well groomed,clean, and or trimmed.

  Remember everyone, sometimes you must be an actor, dress in costume in a way. A job you might apply to may be a great opportunity but doesn't quite fit your personality or even present wardrobe. That being said, do not be discouraged or think that dressing one way for a job and another for your free time makes you a fraud, it's being mature and professional.
The interview

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nero - Promises

Will Andrew Charles make you Walk their Way?

  When you hear the name Steven Tyler, what comes to mind? If you ask me it would be skin tight pants, huge lips, and of course rock royalty. What if I told you he will be collaborating with Andy Hilfiger for a fashion collection coming this fall. The collection will be for men and women, and is said to be influenced by Rock and Roll and will be sold exclusively at Macy's and Macys.com. The name of this fashion endeavor is named Andrew Charles, which I must say the name does not match the image but hey it might work.
    Fall is right around the corner so I am quite curious as to how well the brand will do. Celebrity clothing lines seem popular in today's retail markets but often seem to be a dime a dozen. I actually went on tumbler to get a sneak peak to what will possibly be the direction of the clothing, I am not impressed. If originality or even even fresh new prospective of  Rock and Roll fashion is what you are looking for don't bother with Andrew Charles.
    I will be fair and reserve some commentary until they debut, but frankly if it is anything like what I am seeing from their promos it's lacking. Steven Tyler and Andy Hilfiger should have used more influence of the late 60's and 70's in their Rock and Roll fashion pursuit as well as using more eclectic prints or patterns. Hopefully, at least for them they are both successes in other projects, so if the demographic they are trying to reach don't buy the brand, they both have something to fall back on.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pretty Edgy

Men's Hot ticket For Fall

     I have been asked no, pleaded with to give more fashion styling advice and fashion news having to do with gentlemen. I never thought about it but I suppose that my sight and styling has been for predominately females. So I have decided that I will try from now on to be more diversified with the opposite sex. The previous post that I posted had some hair styles for men for 2012, so this post will be dedicated to Fall 2011 fashion/ hair/and other possible tips I can give to the opposite sex.

     To begin, we need to lay down the fabrications, key styles, and colors that will be hot this Fall so you can keep an eye out!

 Fabrications- (natural fibers mostly)
- Tweed
- Wool/Heavy knits
- Denim
- Plaid
- Leather/Faux Leather

-Black/Grey (variations)
-Camel,Taupe, and Biege
-Burnt Orange
-Navy, and Country Blue
-Forrest Green

Key Pieces 

-Nordic sweaters
- Bomber/Biker jackets
- V-neck graphic tees
- Dress shirts w/vests
- Tailored or Fitted Pants 
- Ankle boots/Dress shoes
- Skinny Ties
- Long heavy Knit Jackets

- longer lengths
- 5 clock shadow (facial hair)
- Beards (well groomed)

   Men's 2011 Fall/Winter is a mirror almost if you will to the fashion styling of females for this season. A true sense of class sophistication with a raw edgy kick. Remeber the basics guys, look into your closet you might already have key pieces you can update with a sweater, dress slacks, or a bomber jacket.


Anime Animal

Favorite Hair Styles for 2012-Men and Women

 Men's hair for 2012 is a mix of late 1950's rebel with late1970's punk hair stylings. Mod looks for both men and women seem to pop up as well so short hair is favorable as well as bangs. Hair coloring is blended/blocked blond seems to be popular mixed with dark hues. Embrace of ones own natural hair color seems to be popular highlights that accent your shade is preferable. Fashion for 2012 is wild and textured mixed with romantic notions so texture in hair is important. If you have wavy or curly hair don't straighten it, play with up do's as well as layers. Bangs are big matched with medium bob think 60's mod or 70's glam.
 Pick a time period that best suits your style and face shape. Narrow faces can pull off short hair for females. If your a male and you are more clean shaving maybe try a James Dean look instead of a edgy rocker look.
 Bangs aren't for everyone, consider your forehead to eye brow ratio. If you ave a small forehead for example like singer Fergie you will look scary, it will suck up your face. If you have at least two inches for eyebrow to beginning of hairline then bangs will probably be acceptable for you. The bob for 2012 isn't heavy it's more light weight so heavy bangs are a dont. Please also keep in mind your personality and what your comfortable with. Their are several sites that you can upload a photo and play with hair styles and hair color, so you can see what might look best on your skin tone and face shape.

= Pick hair colors that are close to your skin color.
=Choose hair styles you can't maintain.
 = Over process hair, If you are doing a drastic hair color like blond or red even black consult your stylist.

= Deep conditon
= Embrace your natural texture
= Try wigs or style sites before choosing
drastic styles
=Use photos, magazines, etc
when you go to the salon
=Be realistic, ask questions:
is it managable, able to be worn
in the work place, does it fit my 