Saturday, November 27, 2010

Going Grey the New It Hair Style!

            Who would of ever thought that the day would come when grey hair was a trend. Grey hair or grey streaks is a up in coming popular hair must have. We have seen starlets such as Kelly Osborne or Lady Gaga sport grey in their hair color, but now will it become mainstream. This whole grey hair trend is in it's introduction stage, so when will it be more popular, well that's on you. I personally love grey hair on older women, but I'm not sure I will be streaking my hair with grey anytime soon. Another aspect of  this hair dying trend is looking at your skin coloring and your natural hair color.
The Anime look

The Sleek and Subtle

Warmer Aged Hue

Full Blown Steal

Platinum Grey

Highlights of Age
      Remember if your not up to dying your hair this aged glorious hue then you can always buy a wig form your local beauty supply store but make sure you try it on. If your not into the wig idea you can also try to incorporate weave or hair extensions.

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