Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving is Here , Time to prepare for the Winter Holiday Celebrations

           Turkey day is hers so soon no matter who you are and what you celebrate your preparing for some celebration or another. So what gift's should you buy for the fashionable people in your life. In my opinion it depends on the age of that person and what their particular style is. I myself love costume jewelry, ethnic prints, hair accessories, and shoes! I would consider myself to be a funky dresser, I enjoy stepping outside the box.
I'm making a list to try and help those of you that are biting your nails at what to buy special people in your life.

The Difficult Diva/Divo
This person dislike most things you get them. You dread buying for this particular person.

This person you should only get a gift card! I hate saying that even doing that but let's be honest at least they will be able to buy what they want and be happy. Holidays are suppose to be happy make it easier on yourself and buy a gift card for their favorite store, a bank visa gift card, or a mall gift card to a mall that they frequent.

The Creative Free Spirit

They love anything unique and original. They are usually sentimental and like gifts that you might have made or that represent something important to them. The perfect gifts for these people would be; a t-shirt that you embellished with iron on decals, knitted scarves, pictures of them with friends in a framed collage, homemade candles in a decorated vase. All you need is time and a plan and you will touch this person with your creativity.

The "Don't Worry about Me's"

OK this person means well but usually annoys you. They like to say that its OK I don't want anything, or don't worry about it. I know you might think well they did say don't worry about it, wrong they want you to know what they want and be able to be a mind reader. We know most of us aren't so here's what you do, pay attention. I know it's funny but usually they will drop subtle hints of what they want or what they need and from there you can purchase this persons perfect present.

The above are the type of people in the past and present that I usually find are the most difficult. In the season of holiday shopping it is important not to loose your self , take a deep breath and go with your intuition or a gift card!

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