Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What you should know about trend!

      Everyday it seems that their is someone or something out their, telling you whats hot. Well the most important thing in your closet should be the necessities! What might this be you ask, simple the "classics". Classics are things that never go out of style or fashion. A couple of pairs of denim jeans, white button up shirts, a simple black dress, and pearls are a must. I also believe it's good to have a variety in accessories, they can dress up an out fit and give it a new look.
      Another thing to remember is that not all trends will look good on you or even fit your body type. Please ladies and gentlemen be aware of what is your actual size and not what you think your size is or should look like. The thing to remember when dressing is that you are a representation of your self and it matters. Walking out the house with a muffin top, or even toes that hang over your peak-a-boo high heels are not very attractive.
        Classics are a way to make your life in troubled times easier not only on your wallet but even getting ready day into night.

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