Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can Muslim Women Be Fashion Forward?

     It always amazes me to hear people talk about how oppressed Muslim woman are because there religious clothing. In America which I reside it is quite evident people for the most part don't know or want to know the differences in Muslim women fashion's or what the proper names are for their clothing. It is important to look at all cultures not only to gather inspiration but also cater to their needs in the fashion world. 
    You can be a religious and pious women and in my opinion have beautifully simple clothing. I noticed that not all Muslim women wear a burka, and that in fact enjoy color, and style in choosing clothing. I picked Muslim women because I find their religious clothing beautiful, and intriguing. Don't get me wrong Muslim's are not the only religious group to have specified clothing for women but in this case I chose Muslim's. If you are a true fashion enthusiast you must admit that the silks, embroidery, textures, and even veiling is quite beautiful. Below I have listed a picture and the name that correlates with style of Muslim veiling.

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