Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grape Seed Oil: Cold Weather Skin Solution

   Hey guys I was a vegan for about 7 years now a vegetarian so I have tried my fair share of natural beauty products! Well let me just say for the cold weather grape seed oil is a must for keeping my skin from being dry or even cracked! It is not just good for you insides its great to use in your hair for us dry scalped people or for a moisturizer. The best way to apply grape seed oil is right before you get out of the shower while your skin is wet or moist. Then pat dry if needed! All you need to use is a nickel size amount or for those over seas, use around 2-3 drops. You can find this product at any health food store, vitamin/sports nutritions stores, and or even organic retailers on line. Please try its a great moisturizer for all over and it's not greasy at all!


  1. lol you should i actually just bought some more, its also a nice primer for make up surprisingly!
