Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So Where do we draw the line

I know by nature I'm what you probably call a cad, but I'm confused about something! It bothers me or shall I say infuriates me to see some clothing designs, line that are called fashion! A good example of this clothing lines by celebrities. Now, I get it they have an image an they want to make more money so they figure that it would be a good idea to make a clothing line that mirrors them. I find it quite funny though that these celebrities consider themselves fashion designers. In case any of you are thinking fashion design is simply a yes and no process or that it all about drawing images of pretty dresses it's not. Their is so much thought, techniques, knowledge that goes into designing clothing from color palettes to silhouettes. I guess what i am saying is that celebrities saying they are fashion designers are like me saying I'm a therapist because I talk to people about there problems. Fashion design is an art in a sense, a skill in another and I just feel that as a person who knows the actual time, heart ache and excitement of creating something from scratch it can be in a way offensive. Are celebrities fashion designers or fashion directors?

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