Friday, August 12, 2011

Investing in Your Future: How to dress for an interview.

   Everyone has that one friend or maybe it is you who is broke or needs a job, put in a thousand job applications and went on interviews and was still unsuccessful. The question that needs to be asked of the is, Did you dress right for the job? In most cases people do not dress right for the job they are applying for and don't realize it. I was told once by a professor that no matter what job you apply for, whether it is fast food to corporate you must dress up.
  Personally, I have had the experience of getting every job I have applied for because I have dressed for success so to speak. In order to get the job you must first spy a little inform yourself about the company. This "spy", technique works very well in retail jobs especially. Retail, whether it is a small boutique or mass chain tends to hire people who look the part or that would make a good fit. So consider the following points listed below.

+ What is the stores demographic?
+ What are the people who work their dressed like?
+ What are the display windows dressed like?
+ Are they conservative, or liberal, or moderate?
+ Does the associates seem to be wearing what is sold in store?

 This list will help to guide you as to what you might want to wear. Another thing to be aware of is how to groom yourself. Ladies please pay close attention to your make up as well as hair. Make-up over load can be unattractive to who ever is interviewing you, be sure and keep the make up minimal or fresh faced, no harsh lip or eye shades. Hair styling can depend on your texture and the type of job you are applying for, so make sure you observe the location of the job and even advertising to see what image they are trying to portray. To add, men please watch your facial hair, make sure it is well groomed,clean, and or trimmed.

  Remember everyone, sometimes you must be an actor, dress in costume in a way. A job you might apply to may be a great opportunity but doesn't quite fit your personality or even present wardrobe. That being said, do not be discouraged or think that dressing one way for a job and another for your free time makes you a fraud, it's being mature and professional.
The interview

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