Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can you be a Heterosexual Male and dress well?

Silly Ideas of  Gay vs. Straight
When working in retail or even being a girlfriend you are asked the most infamous question a male heterosexual seems to wonder pertaining to clothing,"Does this make me look Gay",? It's a sad funny truth to me that men associate grooming well and dressing to impress as being a gay quality. So what does that say for heterosexual men, that they are dirty barbarians that grunt. I suppose in some cases this is true but in most it just isn't the case. Men like women do like to look and feel their best as well as get attention and be paid compliments. The term most coined as "metro sexual", is the term to describe the straight but fashion forward man. I personally believe this phrase is tacky, a man has style or he doesn't gay or straight. Plenty of men dress well and are heterosexual, though some have style gurus helping you can do it yourself! If you are a man who like fashion embrace it, watch runway shows for color trends and styles, look to your male mags as well. The only thing you should worry about is fit not whether you look "gay", or not.

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