Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ready Set Shop: Black Friday or Cyber Monday

  When Fall strolls in we think of all the festivities having to do with the season. In modern culture at least in America, two days are considered the best days to shop out of the whole year and they are Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year it seems stores are preparing to be open even earlier than usual as well as having pre- Black Friday sales. I would strongly suggest that you keep your eyes open for the pre- sales before Black Friday so that you have time to browse with out the crazy crowds. If you decide not to do the pre-sales hoping for better deals on the actual day of Black Friday then you will want to wake up early and head out. The earlier you are at several stores the higher the discounts are usually, especially in the department stores, outlets, and malls. If you utterly hate crowds and the fight to go Black Friday shopping  but want deals while shopping Cyber Monday is for you. Cyber Monday in a nut shell is Black Friday but for the internet shopper. You will be able to shop in the comfort of your house with out feeling totally overwhelmed. I do believe that in  order to shop on these days you must be prepared so I would keep some things in mind.

Things to Keep in Mind for Black Friday ( Nov 25).
+ Make a list of wants, needs, and likes
+ If shopping for gifts pay for with cash and keep receipt in case the store does not have gift receipts.
+ If shopping for gifts and store offers gift receipts ask for one.
+ Know the return policy of the store,"Did they start a holiday return policy". Policy might be extended.
+ Have a budget, don't over spend just because there is a deal, remember the holiday season always have sales especially in this economy.
+ Dont party too hard on Thanksgiving, you want to be able to wake up early as possible in order to get the best parking and early bird specials.
+ If driving on Black Friday park away from the stores, everyone wants to park close to the store make it easier on yourself to get out.
+ Find out when stores are open, every store will be different, by knowing this you can divide your time wisely.
+ Eat before you leave, and bring a beverage from home such as coffee or water, also use the bathroom. Sounds weird but these things can take away from spending money as well as time from shopping.

Things to Keep in Mind for Cyber Monday (Nov 28)
+ Before hand set up a Pay Pal account or make sure your credit card is protected for online use by security settings etc.
+ Consider shipping costs
+ Sign up for sites that sell stock items such as Amazon.com, Ebay, and Overstock.com etc. Doing this can give you options when looking for deals on line.
+ Remember most stores, and shops have online shopping find out what deal they may have for online shopping.
+ Make sure you save and print all online transaction numbers or receipts.
+ When buying item on line unless you know it will fit dont buy it, its always best to try on items for fit and easier as far as returns go.
+ Budget, you can easily over do online shopping just keep you I on the prize
+ Purchase insurance, when buying high priced item you want to make sure you protect your self against possible issues or problems with shipping.
+ If buying from Ebay make sure the seller is highly rated and read reviews. This can make or break your decision.

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