Monday, April 18, 2011

What is Ideal Hair for Curly Textures

     Funny it seems that so many women of all backgrounds, even some men seek the ideal hair and texture. That is the question isn't it, what is the perfect hair and texture. Speaking as a young lady with such a diverse background I have pondered this question most of my life. I have very curly hair naturally, and always have been amazed by the lack of women in mainstream and popular culture rock the natural hair. I suppose technically speaking I would be considered of a woman of color. The simple fact of the hair ideal is that ideal hair for someone should be healthy hair. I have relaxed, dyed, blow dried, braided, pin curled, etc; you name it I've done it.
    Proper hair care it seems is like becoming a vegan or vegetarian it trial by error with hair care products. Ive used commercial products, organic, salon brands, specialty brands (for women of color or curly hair). I found that natural hair care products seem to be the best for naturally curly hair. It also seems that there has been break through for curly hair that allow for healthy. Now most people like myself do like change, so we straighten our hair, using certain products create a healthy base for heated tools such as straighteners, curling irons etc. My favorite products are anything by Jane Carter solutions, I personally love scalp nourishing serum. I also have heard great things about Carol's Daughter's brands as well but I personally never tried. Curly hair need moisture and constant care, If you value your locks feed it with the best and you will see that your hair will grow faster and become more resilient against the elements.

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