Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grape Seed Oil: Cold Weather Skin Solution

   Hey guys I was a vegan for about 7 years now a vegetarian so I have tried my fair share of natural beauty products! Well let me just say for the cold weather grape seed oil is a must for keeping my skin from being dry or even cracked! It is not just good for you insides its great to use in your hair for us dry scalped people or for a moisturizer. The best way to apply grape seed oil is right before you get out of the shower while your skin is wet or moist. Then pat dry if needed! All you need to use is a nickel size amount or for those over seas, use around 2-3 drops. You can find this product at any health food store, vitamin/sports nutritions stores, and or even organic retailers on line. Please try its a great moisturizer for all over and it's not greasy at all!

Modren Muslim Fashion

Can Muslim Women Be Fashion Forward?

     It always amazes me to hear people talk about how oppressed Muslim woman are because there religious clothing. In America which I reside it is quite evident people for the most part don't know or want to know the differences in Muslim women fashion's or what the proper names are for their clothing. It is important to look at all cultures not only to gather inspiration but also cater to their needs in the fashion world. 
    You can be a religious and pious women and in my opinion have beautifully simple clothing. I noticed that not all Muslim women wear a burka, and that in fact enjoy color, and style in choosing clothing. I picked Muslim women because I find their religious clothing beautiful, and intriguing. Don't get me wrong Muslim's are not the only religious group to have specified clothing for women but in this case I chose Muslim's. If you are a true fashion enthusiast you must admit that the silks, embroidery, textures, and even veiling is quite beautiful. Below I have listed a picture and the name that correlates with style of Muslim veiling.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shout Out to Bravo's Andy Cohen

Diane Von Furstenberg and Iman, wow what fashion icon's and on Bravo very exciting. I love how both women are strong in their own way and manage to stay grounded through years of fame and success! It makes me happy to see to of the fashion industries pioneers on T.V. being open and honest. Diane is quite funny I think she is hilarious. Both women seem to have a sense of humor which to me is extremely important in this business. "Fear is not an option" , DVF. One thing to learn from these women is that being true to your self and taking risks is the best thing you can do in life.Oh and early Happy Birthday wishes to DVF on this New Years Eve.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mini Editor for you

Get your own Mini Editor from Polyvore

So Where do we draw the line

I know by nature I'm what you probably call a cad, but I'm confused about something! It bothers me or shall I say infuriates me to see some clothing designs, line that are called fashion! A good example of this clothing lines by celebrities. Now, I get it they have an image an they want to make more money so they figure that it would be a good idea to make a clothing line that mirrors them. I find it quite funny though that these celebrities consider themselves fashion designers. In case any of you are thinking fashion design is simply a yes and no process or that it all about drawing images of pretty dresses it's not. Their is so much thought, techniques, knowledge that goes into designing clothing from color palettes to silhouettes. I guess what i am saying is that celebrities saying they are fashion designers are like me saying I'm a therapist because I talk to people about there problems. Fashion design is an art in a sense, a skill in another and I just feel that as a person who knows the actual time, heart ache and excitement of creating something from scratch it can be in a way offensive. Are celebrities fashion designers or fashion directors?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Pick's for the Top 10 Movie Costumes of All Time.

1. My Fair Lady (1968)
2. GiGi (1958)
3. Sense and Sensibility (1995)
4. Elizabeth 1998)
5. Lord of the Rings (2001-2003)
6. Dune (1984)
7. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
8. Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
9. The Man Who Cried (2000)
10. Coco Before Chanel (2009)

    Of Course their are several other in foreign film and more to come but so far the costumes form these movie have moved me from adolescents to adulthood. If any of you get a chance to watch these movies you will be moved by the costume. Now if you have already seen these movies you know what i am talking about I assure you. I know I am somewhat biased towards films in a sense but I feel that I have a great range of costume adoration, from fantasy to historical fiction. It's sad to think that this generation for the most part has not had too many ground breaking costumes in movies. It seems most of the films or digital in some way and costumes have been replaced with computer graphics. In any case we can sit back in this high technological time and look at the actual craft of construction and the beauty of technical design.
My Fair Lady


Sense and Sensibility 


Lord of the Rings


Dangerous Liaisons 

Kingdom of Heaven

The Man Who Cried

COCO before Chanel

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back to Basics

Back to Basics
Back to Basics by Bethany23Sp on Polyvore.com

A natural make-up look for 2011

Up and Coming Colors for Fall 2011

  Incase you don't know now you know neutral colors are the new black. If  you don't have any neutral colors in your wardrobe you might want to get at the very least basic shirts or sweater in these muted colors. I personally find that I like using these colors because you can look refreshingly stylish and more able to use accessories with out looking like your a department store worker. The best places I find that have this color scheme now is in stores like H&M, Banana Republic, Anne Taylor Loft, Top Shop and for savvy shoppers TJ Maxx. Fall 2011 shopping is not hard and if nothing else get the sweaters, coats, blazers, t-shirts to start with then go back and get the cute party dress etc.